Public Goods Houseplants English Glacier

English Glacier 4"

1 ct

English Glacier 4"

1 ct

$21.95 traditional retail

English Glacier ivy brings unique color to your space with silvery grey and cream variegation. It's also a natural climber and can be trained to adorn walls, shelves, or just about anything. Native to Europe and western Asia, the English Glacier loves medium to bright indirect light and watering when the top couple inches of soil becomes dry. Your plant comes in a biodegradable pot! While you can always repot your plant entirely, you can simply place the entire plant, with the pulp pot, into a decorative pot of your choosing.

Plant Size: 3" to 5" tall 
Pot Size: 4"

Our 4" plants are a perfect fit for repotting into our
Small Stoneware Planter, or our Medium Stoneware Planter with plenty of room to grow.

English Glacier (Hedera helix).

Plastic pots.

Plants will arrive happy & healthy.

Indoor Care:

Place your plant in a room with medium to bright indirect light. Water when top 1" to 2" of soil is dry. It is better to underwater than to overwater.

Outdoor Care: 

This plant can be kept outdoors during warm weather months. Bring in if temperatures go above 90 degrees or below 40 degrees Fharenheit. Protect from direct outdoor sunlight, especially direct afternoon sun.

*Caution: When transferring plants from indoors to outdoors, follow the hardening off process, allowing plants to acclimate gradually. Keep plants in a fairly shaded outdoor area without much wind at first. Then gradually allow for more and more sunlight. This process can take up to two weeks.

Temperature Tolerance: 55° - 85°F 
Plant Size: 3" to 5" tall 
Pot Size: 4"
Pet Friendly: No

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